A week that kicks off by Blue Monday might fool us into thinking it doesn’t have too many exciting things to offer… But that's just not the case!
First off, Blue Monday is a 20-year old man-made invention that’s only possibly applicable to parts of modern world that run on Gregorian calendar and have no understanding of the Natural Cycles.
It’s said to be the most depressing day of the year, because that’s when we realize that all our NY’s resolutions have failed — again!, the weather is cold, dark and gloomy, and on top of all of that, it’s Monday, the most hated of days — again, because we have no understanding of the Natural Cycles.
BUT — this year, Blue Monday coincides with the beginning of Aquarius Season, which is the ultimate antidote to everything that’s been making us blue thus far in 2025.
And then tomorrow, on the 21st, we get the Human Design New Year AND a Pluto Cazimi, which is intense, but also, just what we need right now.
Listen in to what I have to say — I get all fired up about it!
And then… Imagine you could get something like this every day to help you navigate the turbulent energies of 2025 — because we are just getting started. Would that support you?
Well, it’s available now, within my 369 Days of Natural Alignment Telegram channel, which you get as a gift when you become a paid Substack subscriber, or you can also get it separately.
And with that, have a wonderful week 💚
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